Public Speaking Training
Getting Others to Make Decisions About Your Products and Services is not Always Easy. The Public Speaking Training Course Will Make You A Leader in Your Field and Magnet for New Business
Dear Business Professionals,
Imagine for a moment if you were able to…
Grow your business by 200% or more in just one year?
Earn 4 or even 5 figures a day?
Become an expert in your field, virtually over night?
You can have anything you want if you just position yourself as an expert. However, you must first learn the trade secrets of the world’s most successful speakers.
The only problem is; most speakers would never reveal their personal money making secrets. Why? Because they don’t want you competing with them. Personally, I think that is a load of nonsense. So, that’s why I have put together this one-of-a-kind 3-day intensive public speaking training course in Toronto.
In this hands on “hands on” training course you will learn to;
Construct and perform the 100% bullet-proof introduction to any presentation.
Take questions and answer questions effectively. (ie: where to stand, what to say, how to say Thank you!)
Use wake ups and state changes ie: pause, hi-5’s, deep breaths etc. to keep your audience 100% enrolled and engaged.
Completely overcome your fear of public speaking.
Use your presentation skills to promote your business
Sell in the boardroom, at a conference, at a meeting – how to design an offer to make money on the back-end of a seminar using the $250,000 marketing from the stage template.
Successfully market your seminars and fill your rooms to capacity on show-string budget.
Design flawless 1 hour, 4 hour and 3-day seminars in no time at all.
- …and a whole lot more!

Picture yourself quietly and confidently taking the stage for your next training seminar or keynote speech after having prepared for only 10 minutes. Then, after delivering the most fun-filled captivating 3-hour presentation of your life, you walk out with no less than a 5-figure paycheck.
Is this possible? You bet!
Please allow me to take five minutes of your valuable time and I promise that you will discover the most amazing secret behind the ultimate public speaking training presentation template and how it’s changing the way hundreds of successful public speakers present their keynotes and seminars.
Before I reveal this amazing secret, may I tell you a little bit about myself?
Thank you 🙂
Going back several years and long before I began to offer my public speaking training seminars, I was a know-it-all. You know, the kind of person who thinks he knows everything about everything? That was me.
And, though I had many years of experience performing as a professional pianist, as well as doing many public speaking engagements about music, I was nothing more than very average.
You see, as a know-it-all, I was completely closed off to learning and of course, if you’re not learning you can’t win, right? So, to compensate for my lack of success, I would barrel my way through life like a bull in a china shop, with no real direction, no real purpose, and no real idea of how to do anything. And, based on my experience, how you do anything is how you do everything.
“How You Do Anything Is How You Do Everything!”
Was I any good at playing the piano? Perhaps. But, that in and of itself is no recipe for success. In fact, there are thousands of geniuses who die undiscovered every single year. And, like them, I was just a legend in my own mind.
One morning, in January of 1999, after a particularly nasty head cold, I awoke to the incredibly loud and annoying whine of jet engines. But, how can that be I thought, “I don’t live anywhere near the airport!” What had happened? I had contracted an affliction known as Tinnitus; a high-pitched ringing in the ears that for me turned into a permanent 24 hour a day, 7-day a week nightmare.
Well, I can tell you that for a pianist this was like getting a death sentence. Instantly my career, or what I thought was a career anyway, quickly spiraled out of control and I found myself heading straight into the deepest, darkest full-blown depression – one which lasted two entire years.
Were it not for some very loving people, my amazing wife Nancy, and some incredibly hard work on my part, was I able to climb out of it. But, believe me, it wasn’t easy.
Through this process, however, I learned a lot and I began for the first time to realize what life was really about. Learning! As a result, I started gaining significant momentum in my professional life. And, even though I had previously quit touring and stopped promoting my jazz music, other more lucrative performance opportunities started coming my way.
Life Is All About Learning!
How did this happen you may ask? Simply, because I started focusing more on what I truly wanted out of life and focused less on what I didn’t want. I learned that focusing on what you don’t want will just bring more of what you don’t want.
Yet, even as I started performing again and getting more comfortable in front of larger audiences I still didn’t understand how to hold their attention 100% of the time. And, worst of all, I still didn’t know how to sell my CDs and other products to them. Even with audiences of 900 people I only managed to sell about 20 CDs at each concert.
So, I decided to learn everything I could about how to enroll and engage my audiences and to really learn how to sell them something. But, I looked around me in the music industry and I realized that no one knew how to do this either. As luck would have it, one day a friend of mine dropped a book in my lap that changed everything. It’s called “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind” by T. Harv Eker.
Now, I’m sure that many of you have read this book. And though my personal opinion is that it’s an amazing book my intention is not to get you to run out and buy it. But, its place in my story is very important because, after reading it, my wife and I decided to go to Montreal to attend one of his Millionaire Mind Intensives.
Wow! I had never seen such a public speaking training machine as this. Harv Eker and his crew just absolutely blew my mind. Every single one of the more than 2,000 people there was on the edge of their seats for 3 entire days. To me, these guys are the undisputed kings of the public speaking training seminar business.
And, it was during that weekend that, I recognized many of the things they did could easily be incorporated into my shows, especially the part about how to keep people on the edge of their seats. So, I borrowed some money and signed up for their “Train the Trainer” course. It was at that seminar that, for the first time in my life, I knew I had found gold.
And, what I learned brings me to the point where I reveal the secret I had eluded to earlier…
The Secret To Successful Public Speaking Is:
Enroll and Engage the 100% Of The Audience 100% Of the Time
I was not only trained on how to enroll and engage an audience but I learned how to sell them something by making an offer.
What happened next is truly amazing. A little more than a month after taking that course, I found myself in front of an audience of just over 600 people. I’ll never forget that day as long as I live. Following exactly what I had learned at “Train the Trainer” I had 100% of that audience on the edge of their seats the whole time.
Then, at intermission my wife Nancy came backstage and said, “Paul, what did you do?” “People are rushing to the sales table to buy your CDs like there’s no tomorrow!”
In actual fact, we sold an unprecedented 322 CDs in less than 20 minutes. That’s a sale to more than 50% of the audience. I had made my investment back from the “Train the Trainer” Seminar in just ONE night!
I realized instantly that, everything I had been taught at “Train the Trainer” was the “right” information.
But, like anything, it takes practice to get good at it. So, I decided to dive into public speaking and the public speaking training seminar business. I loved the interaction with audiences and I figured hey, what better way to learn how to hone my public speaking presentation skills than to do as many seminars as I could.
Since taking “Train the Trainer” a couple of years ago I’ve performed hundreds of seminars in front of thousands of people using the exact same presentation template that I was taught to use.
And, the only reason it didn’t totally work a couple of times was “my better idea.” That’s the thing with an already perfect public speaking template; you cannot mess with it until you’ve learned it completely. Then, only once you’ve mastered it, can you make any changes to it.
What was the hardest part for me, about learning this template? Fitting my personality into it. I had to find my own voice within the template. It took quite a bit of practice but eventually, I found it.
Learning to Fit Your Personality Into the Template Will
Get The Results You’ve Been Desperately Looking For!
Now, not only am I completely confident in my ability to enroll and engage 100% of any audience 100% of the time but, I know exactly how to sell them something. Be it another course, a set of audio CDs, DVDs, you name it; routinely I sell to an average 20% of my audiences. And, I’ve done as well as 95% depending on how targeted the audience is.
What does this all mean for you? Well, I can teach you exactly how to do everything that I’ve just talked about. In fact, I’m so confident that I can teach it to you that I offer a 100% no-questions-asked money-back guarantee.
What are other speakers saying about my public speaking training course? Please take a moment and read a few more testimonials…
The awesome formula that I use for my public speaking presentations is the same formula I’ll be training you to use. It works great for; keynote speeches, training seminars, sales presentations, live concerts, fundraising speeches, wedding speeches, board room presentations, employee motivation, employee training, pitching, team building, networking, and virtually every other public speaking and presenting situation you can think of.
You will gain the confidence to make a perfect presentation every single time! It’s easy once you know HOW
What’s the difference between my course and other courses out there?
There are several differences really. But the main one is; I’m so confident that this course will change the direction of your life forever that I’m offering this course with a 30-day money-back guarantee.
CALL 1-416-444-7767 to speak to someone about your public speaking and presentation marketing education.
Wishing you the best of success,
Paul Tobey
PS: If you have any questions about this public speaking training seminar that are not answered here please call our office anytime at 416-444-7767 or – send an email to [email protected]